
The Collective Spirit

Welcome to the New Collective Acting Studio’s weekly newsletter - dedicated to inform, uplift and inspire. The goal of this series is to celebrate acting as a primary art form and creativity as a way of life. Every Monday, we share resources, advice, ideas and all things related to living the life of an artist.

A cloud in the sky next to sculpture

What’s So Great About The Imagination?

The Collective Spirit The Official Newsletter Of The New Collective Acting Studio Thoughts On Process: Imagination How Does Imagination Work in Acting? Imagination is a powerful tool that lets us break free from the ordinary and dive into a world of endless possibilities. In acting, it becomes our greatest ally—helping us step into the shoes of our characters, understand their world, and truly empathize with their emotions. It’s what makes us believe in the characters we play and, in turn,...
Scrabble Letters Spelling Life, Lower, Repeat

How Good Is Your Work Ethic?

The Collective Spirit The Official Newsletter Of The New Collective Acting Studio Work Ethic Passion: The Heart Of A True Work Ethic As artists, the idea of "work ethic" often brings back memories of dreaded school book reports or the endless hours spent cramming for the SATs. But what if we could redefine that phrase? What if, instead of seeing it as a chore, we embraced it as something much more exciting and personal? For us, as artists, "work ethic" can be distilled into one powerful word:...
Splash of water in a pond

How Do You Live Moment To Moment?

The Collective Spirit The Official Newsletter Of The New Collective Acting Studio Thoughts On Process: Moment To Moment I Am Aware In Susan Batson’s acting classes, every session began with the same exercise: she would ask each actor, “I am aware…?” This simple prompt encouraged us to turn our focus inward, helping us express the truth we felt inside. The exercise wasn’t about saying the “right” thing; it was about recognizing our awareness as the foundation for creating our characters. It...
Man on top of a mountain with arms outstretched

What Is Your Artistic Purpose?

The Collective Spirit The Official Newsletter Of The New Collective Acting Studio Your Artistic Purpose What Does It Feel Like? Every artist has felt that deep, burning desire to create. But let’s be honest: sometimes, the grind of an acting career - - the auditions, the networking, the constant hustle - - can cloud the very spark that made us fall in love with the craft in the first place. You know that fire—the one that flared up the moment you stepped onto a stage or in front of a camera?...
The Hollywood Sign in the daytime

Do You Want To Be An Actor, Or A Star?

The Collective Spirit The Official Newsletter Of The New Collective Acting Studio Being An Actor Vs. Being A Star What Is A Star? A star is essentially an actor, but one who has achieved a high level of fame and recognition. Stars are often able to draw audiences to a movie because of their name and persona. While this doesn’t sound all that terrible, it can be both a blessing and a curse. The focus on box office numbers and marketability can push some actors to only accept roles that fit...
People walking down a city street

Do You People Watch?

The Collective Spirit The Official Newsletter Of The New Collective Acting Studio Thoughts On Process: People Watching Endless Inspiration For the actor, the world around us is a limitless source of inspiration. Turning the truth of what we observe in everyday life into art is one of the most exciting parts of the creative process. One activity that consistently fuels this creativity is people watching. As an actor trained in New York City, I found that people watching was an automatic...
Man delivering speech to an audience

What’s So Great About Monologues?

The Collective Spirit The Official Newsletter Of The New Collective Acting Studio Approaching Monologues What Are Monologues? A monologue is a speech delivered by one character, revealing their thoughts, feelings, or motivations. Some actors may wonder, ”Why worry about dealing with a monologue when I need to practice learning an audition scene with dialogue?” The truth is, monologues are an essential tool for an actor’s training. They offer a chance to practice at the highest artistic level....
A person standing on top of a mountain

How Do You Find Your Process?

The Collective Spirit The Official Newsletter Of The New Collective Acting Studio Finding Your Process A Personal Journey There is no one "right" way to approach art, and this is especially true for actors. Your journey to discovering your unique process is deeply personal. As you explore different acting studios, each with its own philosophy, be cautious of anyone who insists their method is the only way. Ultimately, you are finding what works for you—and remember, every technique resonates...
a computer generated image of a human brain

How Do You Partner With The Subconscious?

The Collective Spirit The Official Newsletter Of The New Collective Acting Studio Partnering WIth The Subconscious Give & Take: The Dance Between the Conscious and Subconscious Mind In the creative process, there is a fascinating interplay between the conscious and subconscious mind. Understanding this dynamic is crucial for any artist, as it helps recognize the distinct roles each plays in bringing ideas to life. How It Works Typically, the conscious mind sets the direction, while the...
a man with his mouth open in front of a crowd

What Does It Mean To Speak Through The Need?

The Collective Spirit The Official Newsletter Of The New Collective Acting Studio Thoughts On Process: Speaking Through The Need Emotional Life In Acting Every dedicated actor strives to achieve a profound emotional connection in their work. However, the pursuit of this emotional freedom can often be met with obstacles and confusion about how to start. When I first began my journey, I was overwhelmed by a constant urge to push, chase, and grasp at anything that even remotely resembled...