
New Collective Acting Studio

Acting studio in Los Angeles that offers private coaching memberships for an affordable monthly rate. Our specialty is in helping every level of actor master their skills and achieve success in their careers. We are dedicated to creating a nurturing and challenging environment to grow and develop your craft. Coaching sessions are offered both in person and virtually.

clear glass jar lot on shelf

Thoughts On Process: The Alchemy Of Acting

The Collective Spirit The Official Newsletter Of The New Collective LA Acting Studio Thoughts On Process: The Alchemy Of Acting Artful Chemistry Alchemy is defined as any seemingly magical process of transforming or combining elements into something new. An Alchemist is defined as someone who transforms things for the better. How does this relate to the art of acting? Imagine the craft of acting as something similar to sciences such as chemistry and cooking. The heightened reality of a...
Cindy Sherman - Untitled (Lucille Ball) - 1975

Inspiration From Other Art Forms

The Collective Spirit The Official Newsletter Of The New Collective LA Acting Studio Inspiration From Other Art Forms The Seven Fine Arts A Fine Art is defined as something created mainly for its beauty and intellectual value. It’s judged based on its aesthetic appeal and the depth of its meaning. The traditional seven fine arts include music, painting, sculpture, poetry, architecture, literature, and dance. To see how acting fits into the fine arts, it's important to understand that although...
a man holding a cello while standing next to a piano

Thoughts On Process: Improvisation

The Collective Spirit The Official Newsletter Of The New Collective LA Acting Studio Thoughts On Process: Improvisation Jazz As An Anaology Previously, I’ve mentioned jazz as a way to understand the concept of “letting go” as an actor. Jazz serves as a great analogy for structured improvisation in acting. While it may seem chaotic, jazz is actually highly structured. Musicians stay within a set framework, following the melodic line. This balance of freedom and structure is crucial to jazz—and...
Ballet Rehearsal


The Collective Spirit The Official Newsletter Of The New Collective LA Acting Studio Rehearsal To Rehearse, Or Not To Rehearse There is a common misconception that rehearsing kills an actor’s spontaneity. Some film and television actors, especially those without theater training, tend to resist rehearsing for this very reason. Sadly, this is an unfortunate misunderstanding. When rehearsing properly and effectively, the actor is empowering themselves while also opening the door to freedom,...
Sheet music and piano

Thoughts On Process: Script Analyis

The Collective Spirit The Official Newsletter Of The New Collective LA Acting Studio Thoughts On Process: Script Analysis What Is Script Analysis A very good definition of script analysis is: “Script analysis is the close reading of a text to establish its intended meaning, including a thorough understanding of the setting, the subtext, and the character’s objective.” There are many variations of script analysis techniques, many of which refer back to the teachings of Constantin Stanislavski,...
Dustin Hoffman As Ratso Rizzo

Taking Risks In Your Auditions

The Collective Spirit The Official Newsletter Of The New Collective LA Acting Studio Taking Risks In Your Auditions Being Artful When we talk about taking risks in auditions, we don’t mean putting yourself in physical or psychological danger. Instead, being artful with risk means embracing the joy and safety of acting while striving to stand out in a way that enhances your portrayal of the character. Use The Given Circumstances The actor must always refer to the given circumstances when...
Film director filming a scene

Working With The Film Director

The Collective Spirit The Official Newsletter Of The New Collective LA Acting Studio Working With The Film Director Have A Process Every film director has their own style. Some directors love to discuss your character, rehearse, and create a supportive environment. However, this kind of director is rare in the film industry. Often, you’ll arrive on set with minimal guidance, sometimes just being told, “You got the part.” Don’t expect detailed direction before the first day of shooting....
white and black wooden signage near body of water during daytime

Thoughts On Process: Choices

The Collective Spirit The Official Newsletter Of The New Collective LA Acting Studio Thoughts On Process: Choices What Are Acting Choices In acting, "choices" are how actors use their skills to bring a character and a scene to life. Making effective choices starts with a deep understanding of script analysis and a solid method for creating a character. The savvy actor develops these skills by going to class, watching great actors in film, television and theater, and consistently reading a...

Mindfulness and Creativity

The Collective Spirit The Official Newsletter Of The New Collective LA Acting Studio Mindfulness and Creativity What Is Mindfulness? Mindfulness is defined as, “a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.” As artists, sometimes we can get wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of modern life. The constant drive to achieve and pursue results...

Thoughts On Process: The Element Of Place

The Collective Spirit The Official Newsletter Of The New Collective LA Acting Studio Thoughts On Process: The Element Of Place Where Am I? The ability to create a sense of place is one of the most important skills in the actor’s arsenal. The great acting coach, Uta Hagen, created the physical destination exercise as the first object exercise for the actor. She said that if you are spaceless, “Your body will tense, and you will start to arrange yourself.” Incorporating a sense of environment...