Working With The Film Director

The Collective Spirit

The Official Newsletter Of The New Collective LA Acting Studio

Working With The Film Director

Have A Process

Every film director has their own style. Some directors love to discuss your character, rehearse, and create a supportive environment. However, this kind of director is rare in the film industry. Often, you’ll arrive on set with minimal guidance, sometimes just being told, “You got the part.” Don’t expect detailed direction before the first day of shooting.

There’s a story about an actress who nearly lost her job because she was waiting for the director to tell her exactly what to do. On the first day of filming, the director only told her where to sit, leaving her confused and in need of emergency coaching to avoid being fired. Remember, a film director is more like a general organizing an army—they don’t have time to work with you the way a theater director or coach might. That’s why it’s essential for every actor to have their own process.

How To Take Adjustments

Collaborating with a director is a crucial skill for any professional actor. When you receive notes or adjustments from the director, it doesn’t mean you need to abandon everything you’ve worked on. Instead, maintain your foundation and integrate the feedback into your performance. Directors don’t expect you to start from scratch with every adjustment they make.

They Chose You

Remember, the director believes in you. The audition process is over; you got the part. This is a vote of confidence, so continue doing what you do best to make the character your own. As the saying goes, “Don’t worry about being too big—the director can always pull you back.” Most directors prefer to pull you back rather than have to coax a performance out of you. For instance, in the 1981 film Blow Out, John Travolta asked Brian De Palma how he wanted him to play a scene. De Palma replied, “You tell me; I paid a lot of money for you to make a choice.” Keep this in mind as you prepare for your role.

All my best,

Greg Braun

Koreatown, Los Angeles, CA 90005
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